

Wednesday 5 March 2014

New-Zealand - Final part - Auckland & Bay of Islands


We exchanged our camper-van for a normal car in order to visit Auckland and the northern area.
Thank goodness, our friends, Amanda and Matt (Nat's friends & colleagues from the Olympics... yes, more of them) had told us all the best things to do in the Bay of Islands so we headed to:

Nous avons echange note camping car pour une voiture normale pour visiter Auckland et le nord de la nouvelle-zelande.
Nos amis Amanda et Matt nous on fait un petit itineraire que nous avons suivi a la lettre:

Ngawha Pools
Pronounced 'Naffa' Pools, which was a selection of very local and rustic pools ranging from colder pools to burning hot, I reckon up till 50 degrees.

Prononce 'Naffa', ces sources d'eau chaude naturelles se sont averees etre tres locales et pas du tout touristiques. Les plus chaude etait a ppresque 50 degres !

Well here is Nathalie enjoying one of the pools.

Sophie wrapped in her towel, holding her nose...

This little town is, when the weather is lovely and sunny a great little town with lots of fabulous viewpoints, little cafes and restaurants, but as you can guess from the below picture, it wasn't quite so sunny!

Cette petite ville accessible seulement par ferry. Malheureusement il a plu toute la journe.... mais nous avons reussi a trouver un bon restaurant !

Sophie enjoying her giant green mussels and white wine @ The Duke of Marlborough.

The Waitangi Treaty Grounds
New Zealand's entire history revolves around this treaty which was signed back in 1840 by the Maori, however the translation of this treaty in english was quite different to the Maori version and the people therefore found themselves signing a treaty which was giving away their land ( which they had defended and fought for). To this day, the Maori population are still fighting to get back their full rights. "Kiwi Day" is on the 6th February every year and represents the signing date of this treaty, 6th February 1840.

Le traite de Waitangi
L'histoire de la Nouvelle-Zelande est centree autour de la signature de ce traite en 1840 entre les chefs Maori et les Anglais. (les envahisseurs) Il semblerait que la version signee par les Maoris ne correspond pas du tout a la version anglaise... Depuis les Maoris revendiques leurs droits et ce traite est tres contoverse...

Waka - Maori Canoes

Maori Warriors would typically stick out their tongues to scare off their opponents 

Typical Maori Dress

Nat practising 

Soph in front of Waitangi Treaty

We stayed several days with Amanda & Matt in Auckland and during the time spent with them experienced:

- Going to their friend's "Bach" which is their "Holiday home" in PIHA Beach, the equivalent of Baywatch. They actually have a camera crew on hand on Sundays to film the beach in the event the rescue team do have to go out. 

Nous sommes restees plusieurs jours avec Amanda et Matt, ils nous ont emmene dans un camping au bor de la mer a 1h d'Auckland ou l'un de leur ami y a une caravane sur place.

Soph, Nat, Amanda & Matt

- Lawn Bowls.
I've always wondered how to play this sport and had no clue that the actual "bias balls" were not round. We have both since discovered that playing lawn bowls is actually much harder than one thinks! Nat joined a team of random people as they needed someone to "fill in" whilst Soph played with our friends. Great time with our friends and the locals. Below, Nat actively  observing what's happening.

On est allees jouer aux boules... ce jeu un peu moins excitant que la petanque consiste a 2 equipes de 4 joueurs. Chaque joueur a deux boules qu'il faut faire rouler et rapprocher au maximum du cochone. Les boules ne roulent pas en ligne droite, un cote de la boule est plus lourd que l'autre ce qui donne a la trajectoire une courbe... tout n'est qu'une question de precision !!! (on etaient nulles !)

- Fishing in Auckland harbour
Three of us went fishing on a lovely evening in Auckland Harbour. I got to attach the bait, here fresh squid, on the rod's hook. Unfortunately, it's apparently not the season yet. Matt caught a tiny snapper which her threw back in the water and a sneaky bird dived in to get it. Not fair!.
I, Nat, actually got to speak to my mum via skype whilst on the boat! allowing me to share this experience with her! Technology these days can be so great!

Un soir Nathalie est partie a la peche avec les garcons dans la baie d'Auckland. Resultat... un tout petit poisson peche puis vole pas un oiseau alors qu'il allait etre remis a l'eau hahahaha Fiona, la maman de Nathalie a eu le privilege d'etre temoin de la session de peche via skype sur le telephone !


Matt cutting up the bait

Ooh ooh Matt, you got it!

We also went to visit a lady called Muriel who is Nathalie's english grandmother's cousin who lives in Auckland. Pam & Ron, who we had visited earlier on is Pam's daughter. It was a lovely time! Muriel turns 90yrs very soon! 

Nous sommes allees rendre visite a Muriel, la cousine de la grand-mere anglaise de Nathalie. Elle vit a Auckland et va tres bientot feter ses 90 ans !

Visiting one of Auckland's swanky areas, Wynyard Quarter

A giant longchair!!

A colourful crossing! 

One of our best friends whilst in NZ - Pak'nSave!
De son prenom Jean-Sebastien

OK, here are a few Kiwi expressions, lets see if you can guess what these are:
Quelques expressions typiquement neo-zelandaises traduites literallement:

- Chilli bin - poubelle froide
- Jandals - sandales
- Hot cakes - gateaux chauds
- Bach - ...
- A chook - ...
- A dairy - Un produit laitier
- Vegemite - remplace la marmite (tout autant repugnant!)

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