

Monday 11 November 2013

Railay - 5th November

Meeting up with our competitors was the next big thing, yes our Bed Jumping competitors. We have engaged (well actually Nat was the one to start this one off!) into a bed jumping competition with Jade and Mary who are also travelling along the same kind of route as us. We only met Mary once and do not yet know Jade but have a common friend back in London! Bed Jumping has an online competition happening, it consists in taking a picture of the best bed jump (website). 2 pictures have already been submitted by each team and sorry to say, be WE are “-2” down! But hopes up there are several rounds to go!  Should you wish to back us up and send in “Bed Jump” pictures to support us, please post these on our facebook wall. 
We met up with Jade and Mary on Railay Beach, little paradise beach according to Lonely Planet! Did the backpacker thing of minimising costs and hence crammed into a room, 4 of us! We were then made our way to the beach, (West Railay Beach as East Beach is crap), performed a Baywatch spoof for Jade and Mary who had requested this from us to add to their Video…and enjoyed a great evening at the Last Bar which offered cheap cocktails (Sophie’s Pina Colada seemed like pure alcohol!), cheap food and good entertainment, including one American girl who had decided to drink literally buckets of alcohol, strip down to be undies and dance around the boxing ring. 
We ended up drinking horrible shooters as a punishment of having lost a pool game!

Railay - 5 Novembre

Rencontre avec nos adversaires de saut de lit ! Nous avons commencé une competition avec Jade et Mary (Nat en a été l'initiatrice...) Jade et Mary font également un tour du monde et sont en ce moment en Asie. Nous avons une amie en commun a Londres qui nous a mis en contact. La competition de saut de lit consiste a envoyer une photo par semaine via Facebook a notre juge Louise. 2 photos ont deja été soumises et malheureusement, nous avons perdu es deux premieres manches...

Nous avons encore de l'espoir! Vous etes tous les bienvenus si vous souhaitez participer ! Nous attondons vos photos sur Facebook.
Nous avons enfin rencontré Jade et Mary a Railay, petite plage récluse avec quelques hotels de luxe du coté ouest et des hébergements beaucoup plus basiques a l'est. Nous avons fini les 4 dans la meme chambre ce qui nous a permis d'économiser un max! 
Jade et Mary nous on demandé de cloturer leur film par une séquence d'alerte a Malibu, Nathalie dans le role de Pamela Anderson et Sophie dans le role de la noyee... Nous avons ensuite passe la soiree au last bar ou nos cocktails semblaient etre de l'alcool pur... En plus de ces cocktails, notre défaite lamentable au billard nous a obliger a poir un shot de whisky thailandais... A ne pas recommander !!!

1st round - Bed Jumping

 2nd round - Bed Jumping



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